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>Marta Ruiz Llata
Profesora Titular de Universidad
UC3M - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) in May 2005 for her thesis "Design and Implementation of Optoelectronic Neural Networks. Application in Vision Systems", for which she obtained the extraordinary doctorate award in 2007. She was then hired as a postdoc teaching assistant and later as an assistant professor in the Department of Electronic Technology at UC3M, where she signed a permanent position in December 2010.

During her pre-doctoral stage, when she spent 7 months as visiting student with the Photonic Systems Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), she gained great experience in the handling of optical components (lenses, diffraction networks, holography...) as well as in optoelectronic circuits and photonics devices. She also acquires a basic knowledge of neural networks and other machine learning algorithms. At the beginning of the postdoctoral period she also started to get involved in research topics related to optical sensors (fiber optic sensors and interferometry techniques) and large scale instrumentation systems (development of a diagnostic installed in Stellarator TJ-II at Ciemat for measuring electronic density in fusion plasma).

Tipo de participación en el congreso
Colaborador Técnico
Actividad: ST-30
Actividad: ST-30
Ponencia: Propuesta para un plan nacional de vigilancia del ciclo de carbono atmosférico basado en sensores.   [resumen ponencia]

Este proyecto cuenta con la financiación del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico a través de la convocatoria pública de subvenciones a entidades del Tercer Sector para actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social en materia de investigación